Some believe in destiny, some believe we can change our destiny. How are we to know that if we try to change our path, in the belief that this path was our destiny, that this change was also predetermined therefore making this too, destiny.
If this is true Grasshopper, is this "problem" not your destiny? Or , is it your destiny that is the problem?
Too much time online? You do what you do, cause that's what you do.
No truer words have been spoken then that of the misunderstood, but enlightened man of the seas, Popeye, when he spoke those words "I am what I am"
To be truely enlightened, you must be at one with the reality that you are what you are, you do what you do, it is what it is, and this forum may be your destiny.
There. instant enlightenment. What will FunJimmy post tomorrow?