normaly the build in spring press the tensioner...but often it not use mine schrev..i can press a bit at the end of the help the spring and give some more press..and get the chain more kompessed... have to be done hard prerssure vill the chain start eat the tensioner. start the engine(. loosen the lover Lock bolt)..turn the umbracco schrev dovn,, the rattel are gone...and back it a bit it not press to hard on the chain..turn/lock the kontra bolt on to the engine block(. that vith the copperdisc). and teight the lover Lock bolt at the engine block. (called adj bolt at Photo).its the one vho holds the tensioner shaft locked
on the Photo pos 5 is removed and my adjuster mounted instead....bu schreving it dovn..i kompreess the tensioner..
the one they call" adjuster bolt.".is in real vorld just a Lock bolt...vho fixing the shaft..bu press on its side....
you can do all this bu a schrevdriver manuel done...just stick it dovn ..and press hard bu running engine..but it are hard and hot job..exhosts like to burn you..this adjuster gives more kontroll..and a better job