I don't run with a center (service) stand -- but I keep one in the garage for maintenance. Pick one up on eBay or from someone on here. You can install in less than a minute and it makes basic service like chain adjustments, rear brake adjustment (even front brake adjustment) and oil changes a lot easier. It's just as quick to remove and you're back to where you were. There are other ways to do the chain slack adjustment, but the center stand would make it faster and easier (IMO) and it would help with a lot of other things as well. You just install with the pin/sleeve/long center bolt, no springs or anything. Add a cotter pin if you like. I just make sure it's on and skip the cotter, unless I'm doing more involved maintenance. And a block under kickstand would not get rear wheel off ground to spin for chain adjustment check (looking for tight spots, binding, etc.). Plus bike could tip over.