In 48 years riding there have been incidents, only one broken bone (collarbone, healed with a lump and bend in it for life).
All my fault. Barring exceptional circumstances, crashes are all the fault of the rider in my opinion.
- Honda C100 Cub, friend's machine, my first time on any motorcycle - froze and tried to ride up a tree, walking speed. No damage except to pride.
- Same, except mine now - too many to count. Unlicensed (too young) so all offroad. Usually I wore a borrowed helmet but not always! Lots of torn clothes and sraped skin.
- Same, except on the road. A few falls from stupidity or inexperience. Learned to look where I wanted to go and avoid sandy corners in spring.
- CB77 - More learning. Oiled street (by the city! Why??) slicker than ice - went down stopped when my foot slipped out after a scary slide to stop in traffic, could barely stand on the slippery surface; too fast around a country road reducing radius right hander, lucky no cars coming as I tracked across the oncoming lane and onto the shoulder then on into a fence-free field and down; More miraculous saves that I can count.
- CB400F - following to close and way too fast. Giant pothole (between car in front's wheels) tossed me waaaay up off the bike. Pretty sweet few seconds of flying like superman, unsweet landing. Cracked collarbone snapped trying to pick the bike up. Bent brake pedal, snapped brake lever, bent bars, bruised ego; forgot earlier lesson about sand/spring, low side on first spring ride after rebuilding the engine. The impact knocked the starter gear loose inside the motor because I forgot to put the lock bolt in... at least that didn't happed a hundred miles from home.