When I took the baffle out of the 4 into 1 MAC exhaust I have on my cb500, I was er...baffled. What in the hell is this cheap ass thing they did here? Two tubes, one flattened, overlapping and welded. I guess the idea being the exhaust gets forced into a chamber and has to find it's way out again, thereby reducing sound and providing back pressure. But what an inelegant way of doing it. They could mearly plug in a baffle from another vendor and it would cost no more than this half-assed design is to fabricate.
Anyway, with this setup, the bike was running like crap and sounded even worse, like an asthmatic frog under a blanket. So here's what I did to improve it. It only took about an hour to do.
I cut the welds holding the two pieces together, cut short the pipe that was flattened, and welded the two pieces together. Then I drilled a bunch of crude holes into the tube (I was in a bit of a hurry, so no careful spacing. After filing the burrs on the inside I wrapped the tube with course steel wool and reinstalled it. It sounds and runs 1000X better. So anyone looking to improve their budget pipes- take a look at the baffle. It makes all the difference.