Hi guys!
So..here`s the deal. I am from Bucharest, Romania and i intend to visit next month New York, from 12 to 25 june, with my girlfriend. I`m going to stay in Queens, at a friend.
When i visit a city or a country i try to discover the life of local people, to find more about their culture, habits, local food and trying to live like a local as cheap ass possible...I love cheap thrills

I also like to visit the important turist objectives, like museums, point of interests and special places.
So, can you help me with information about New York, others that you can find in travels guide, like secret places, things to do, places to see and others great stuff that you recommend for me for two weeks.
I really wish to see a baseball match, an american football game and may basketball, of course at low cost tickets

I would really like to rent o motorcycle, preferable a small displacement bike, even a Honda CB550/500

Anyway, i`m glad to visit America! See you there!
All the best,
Mihai (Mike)