Be sure to come back to this thread and let us know what you did and how it was.
It will be interesting to hear your perspective.
One more thing: last time I was in NY, I took a cab ride and thought I was gonna die!
Have fun and hold on!!
That`s for sure!
I will keep you inform.
That is one of the attractions. You will see driving maneuvers worthy of NASCAR!
I remember my Uncle Tony came to visit us in Texas, he lives on Long Island.
We had to get a few items from the store, he offered to drive, I said Ok!
I was navigating, told him to turn left at the next street, he pulled up and stopped at the red traffic light. The light turned green and he took off immediately very fast pulling right in front of the oncoming traffic! Uncle Tony, we dont drive like that down here!!
As a born and bred New Yorker, I will ask you a NY question. Did he make it? If he did, whats the problem here?