Hey everybody,
This is my very first post here although I've used the forum for tons of help in the past. One thing however is that I couldn't find a really awesome set of dumbed down general instructions for replacing my starter clutch and clutch.
My bike is a CB750 K6
My problem is, a bike that won't start due to a worn starter clutch (I think!). All I hear is a super weird spinning sound when trying to start. I've checked practically everything else (battery, plugs, carbs, gas, etc.)
My clutch also slips from time to time so I thought I'd just swap it for a new Cycle X kit.
I'm not the most mechanically inclined but I am determined to do this myself!
All I need is for someone to tell me what tools I'll need for the job (special if any and regular) and how (the more detail the better) to do the job.
I know it's asking for a lot - so anything helps!