I think it will look great with this front end and clipons. Hopefully it'll be okay handling as well!
After I had checked how it looks (don't worry, I won't use these grips) I decided to get on with the ignition. That's when I found this...
Well, #$%* on a stick. I have no idea what the PO have done with this, but it sure as hell made my life a lot #$%*tier. I couldn't get a socket on since it's off center, I couldn't cut a cross without ruining the arm and collar... At this point I was preparing to get a ton of headache due to this #$%*.
At the end I decided to risk it and pry the collar to the side, hoping I wouldn't bend the axle. After that I hammered a socket on (again, hoping I wouldn't damage or bend anything). It worked, thank lord.
Hoping I'll get the exhaust back soon so I can actually try it out...