Thanks for all your help, and referring me to diagrams on SOHC web site.
I tried to take off the starter motor switch yesterday, as my theory is that is where is headlight wiring problem is from. If you read above, My electrical starter switch seized a few years ago, about a week after the headlight had ceased working.
At any rate, apparently you have to disengage the throttle cables in order to get the run switch, and the starter switch off. All that stuff is wired on pretty tight and hard to get two. Perhaps one of you guys who has taken that assembly off, could give me some advice. Also, at this point I don't really care about the electric starter. Bike starts great without it.
Also, after I tried I took apart put back together the assembly, the bike ceased to get any power (no starting, no lights.) The battery is fine and all fuses are fine. Any thoughts on what I might have done?