OK quick update. I received and installed my Ricks reg / rec combo and I think everything's in correctly.
The instructions that came with the unit made it clear that all the connections must be clean to stop any hang ups, and even singled out the ingition switch as the most common choke point.
They said the best way to test the system is to check for voltage drop. Their instructions are:
1) disconnect the new reg / rec box from the system
2) measure voltage across the battery terminals, note voltage
3) measure voltage from the positive on the battry, to the harness side black wire that plugs into the regulator, note voltage
4) if there is more than a 0.4 V drop between the 2, it means there's a bad connection somewhere in the system (maybe even the ignition switch)
After cleaning all my connectors, I performed this test and got a 0.01 V difference between the two readings. Does this mean my connections including the ignition switch are all good? Or is that too good to be true?
I haven't had a chance to test the voltages at different RPM as it's a bit late to run the bike. I'm also now having issues getting the bike to run smoothly, see here:
http://forums.sohc4.net/index.php/topic,158253.0.htmlI'll report back once I can get the bike to run properly and test revs.