I need a little help installing my pistons. I learned a little bit in the class I took.
First, lets make sure I understand which rings go where and how.
The first ring on the left is the oil ring expander that goes on the bottom grove. I'm not sure what the next two rings are? The ones on the far left are the oil rails that go above and below the oil ring expander, right?
I don't really see any kind of markings or bevel like the instructions that came with the ring mentioned. So I'm assuming I can install them either way up or down? When I took the class I was told there might be an R on one of the rings indicating which way it goes but the only thing I see is N100 on the ring next to the expander. I'm guessing that is just a manufacture code.
I learned the rings should be staggered like a Y, and none of the gaps facing the exhaust side. The manual says stagger them 120 degrees and none at 90 degrees from the wrist pin. Is this correct and is it only referring to the top and second ring or all?
Will I absolutely need a ring expander tool?
Once I have them installed I'll start with lowering the block on piston 2 and 3 first.