So I was already late getting home from work today on account of 3 accidents on my route home. I just stayed at work till it cleared up a bit before heading out. About 2/3rds of my way home, I came to a stop at an intersection and noticed a Ducati waiting to make a left at the same intersection across from me. The rider was in full gear with the winker on. I know the intersection well and I knew he'd get a green arrow to make the turn first so I waited patiently. Few seconds later, two more bikes pull up in the lane next to him (going straight) on what looked like Kawi ninjas. The were sharing the lane (standard formation). No gear of ANY kind. The start talking to the Ducati rider, probably complimenting the bike, and he turns to them and nods, gives a shout back and gets back into position ready to turn when the arrow goes green. At this point, there's cars stacking up behind me, but the opposite direction (behind the bikers) is wide open with just a sedan slowing down after noticing the red light.
And then it happened. Not only did the arrow turn green, but the lights for the other riders (going straight) also turned green at the same time, my side of the road is stil all red lights. The Ducati rider safely made his turn, but the other two barely shifted into first, when that sedan behind them that was slowing down earlier decided to gun it the second the light turned green. The sedan knocked the first guy off balance by hitting him on the left rear side, and hit the other one full speed, dead on the rear wheel. I saw the guy get thrown in the air, flipping almost 180 degrees, then landed on his left side, head and shoulders first. The bike went on flipping a couple times and stopped in front of the sedan grinding him to a halt.
I froze up, I saw the guy wasn't moving. His buddy barely pulled himself out from under his bike and came to check on him in dismay. The car driver stepped out to take a look and by now cars had started stacking up behind the accident. I didn't move, I was in such shock I quite literally froze up, until some jackass behind me started honking the crap out of his horn. I slowly, giving them all a wide berth started driving, and went on home after seeing that enough eye witnesses in the vicinity had assembled by now.
I do not know how to process this, I can't stop replaying it in my head. I haven't been able to talk to my wife about it, or anyone else for that matter so I thought I share with my SOHC family. Please, for the sake of your loved ones and your own, ride in gear and stay vigilant at all times. Moronic cagers are a CONSTANT threat.