After trying this, I am never doing this again after this set. Just need an opinion before I take it apart for the twelth time. Here's my issues:
1) Is my pattern correct?
2) On the front side (the side fully spoked, away from the viewer in the pic), all nipples are pretty much flush against the rim. On the back side (side facing viewer in pic, only 1/2 spoked), the outside in spokes nipples protrude from the rim some and there is no way in hell that I can get the inside out spokes in. (I've tried partially spokig one side, and then the other, can't get it to work). This is probably a simple question, and it seems correct in my head, but are the spokes on the back side one off? If I move them all 1 over clockwise, will this fix my issues? It seems right, but I want an opinion before I teardown again.
I am so aggravated by this. Hopefully someone here can help.