Hi there,
I'm building a CafeRacer from a CB650 (1981).
The build is pretty far. I have a lot of Motogadget stuff like mUnit, mLock an Motoscope Pro.
All working fine.
I just recently replaced the stock ignition with a Power Arc Ignition system. The Power Arc works with optics timing, more accurate than Hall effect (magnets).
It also delivers 3 sparks per compression stroke. Cleaner fuel burn.
The ignition module has a dedicated tach trigger wire. This wire will give 1 signal per rotation (if you draw the signal from the coil you'll get 3 signals because of the 3 sparks).
If I hook this trigger wire to the Motoscope, the Motoscope won't react or process it. Tach does nothing.
If I hook up a induction signal pick up, this works, but still registers 3 signals instead of one.
If I hook up the green trigger wire form the ignition to another tach (ZXR400) it works like a charm.
Together the systems won't work. Motogadget replies to me that it's a compatibility problem. Advise to use the inductive signal pickup. Problem is the 3 sparks before mentioned.
My reply was what are the criteria to be met to be compatible....
If figured, I can't be the only person who has a Power Arc system and Motogadget tach.
Anyone out there knows anyone, who knows anyone that got these working together? It must have something to do with the signal I guess.
Hope someone can provide some help.
Kind regards,