Portland here is in the midst of our monsoon season - LOTS of rain, so the bike went into temporary drydock for the week and I'm doing some routine maintenance. . . first up, has been the oil pan remove / clean / replace (with new gasket and bolts. . oh, and oil *duh*)
KIDS! clean those oil pans!!! lol Honda says how often in the owners manual, I think, but just do it! I found all sorts of gunk and sludge off the bottom of the pan and some stuff stuck to the pick up screen (fortunately, no metal bits or anything).
But some questions before I bolt the pan back up. . . .
1. OK, what's the final verdict on gasket goop on the oil pan o-ring gasket - a bit of oill, like an auto oil filter gasket and that's it? not even a really thin-n-careful bit of permatex stuff on the rubber gasket or anything? I read all the other posts on this. . . but I just really really want it to be sealed all nice... must . .use . . . ..gasket. . stuff . . . . .can't . .stop. . . . lol
2. With said oil pan - Honda used 'flange bolts' stock. I can just use my snazzy new stainless allen head bolts with washers, right? I mean, the flange bolts don't actually seal anything. . . . ?correct?
3. I picked up a pair of new clutch and brake levers and they have this plastic dip stuff on the 'ball-ends' (is that a word?) like some tool handles have. . . .why? I think Honda did this stock, too, I think, but why? to prevent your fingers from slipping off? to prevent you from scraping against someones paint job? to help reflect the laser beams that the sharks are shooting at you from their heads?
I've had a couple glasses of wine and I'm probably totally over-analyzing here. . . .but just thought I would check the mightly collective wisdom o' the SOHC4 forum, though. . . lol