Planned on going for a spin on my'78K 750 bike this morning. Pulled it out of the shop pointed it toward the road, put it on the side stand and walked back into the shop to put my mesh jacket on and then I heard a THUMP. To my shock, my bike was laying on it's side. Damn. I picked it up and found the damage. My new replica bars bent, broken clutch lever, dinged up speedo chrome housing, small scratch on my top 4into4 pipe and a scratch on my new crash bars. Damn.
First time I've parked the bike in front of the shop with the bike heading in that direction. Damn.
I guess the good news is I had the crash bars on that I bought from ATM Cycles here on the forum. It could have been worse. So, now I need to pick up a clutch lever and a new speedo chrome housing. I'm hoping I can bend the bars back as they aren't too far off. Damn.
Don't do what I did! Damn.