I wanted to capture the essence of failure tonight in this photo. New issues arise after addressing others and right now, I feel defeated in an apparent cycle of woe. Sure, there’ve been highs and lows throughout this build, but tonight, after some succession of tackling issue after issue following a repositioning of the battery for rear wheel clearance, electrical problems now just don’t seem to cease. I’m exhausted.
The issues now:
1) The damaged battery is definitely giving up - can’t hold a charge as voltage depletes fairly rapidly even when nothing is connected. Off to disposal.
2) Voltage doesn’t rise when revving the throttle up to 2-3k . While I had the bike running idle and adjusting the carbs, the voltage eventually fell below 10V which is apparently detrimental to these LiFePo batteries. Signs are pointing to a possibly fried/damaged regulator/rectifier (this after accidentally crossing Pos/GND wires at the battery melting some of the wire housing and who knows what on the inside of the reg/rec. Doh!). Any good links on how to test a reg/rec?
3) Koso TNT-02 tachometer needle only moves, or rather sweeps on high throttle revs. It used to work perfectly before the battery relocation. I’ve gone through most of the pulse settings on the gauge and nothing yet seems to work as it used to and should. Any ideas?
Repositioning the battery meant reworking the seat pan and figuring out how it mounts. After much cutting and grinding, some welding, and reapplying of fiberglass the seat it at a point now where it might be good enough for some highway riding.
I want to get this bike on the road again to make sure that the battery reposition is ok (even though I tested for clearance by raising the rear wheel sans suspension). There’s also now a goal set for this build since I made an appointment to start the registration process at the DMV on June 11. So I’m under a bit of a time crunch.
Though there are problems that come up from time to time, I’m confident that these are all fixable issues. Beside, this bike was running fine before. Tonight’s fail will make the first good ride a big win.
Good night.