Thanks, fellas.
Spuds, I see what you mean. For now, before truing, I’ve got the nipples on finger tight so I’m hoping there might be enough wiggle room to get that vertical alignment alright. It’ll be a kind of balancing act for sure. I’m actually quite looking forward to getting into this. It’ll be nice to come home to an activity that I can zone out to and forget about my day job for a bit.
RAF, getting the tires on is what I fear for next after all this truing bizness. I’m expecting loads of masking and touch-up

Thanks for the black rim color approval. Next up on painting is the engine. Thinking I’ve got too much black going on as it is so I may change it up a bit. Been bookmarking some color schemes online and came across some I like and may borrow from, like this one from Flakes Motorcycle (Japan). I like the spark plug wire contrast...

Since I have a black exhaust, black front fork lowers, and pretty much black rear suspension and coils it would be nice to hit this bike with splashes of some other contrasting colors.
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