Hahaha! Thanks for that, strynboen.
I do like the look of this 400 for sure. I'm working to get this to run but not without some obstacles/distractions to come in the way like...

The hex head on the tappet cover stripped and that opened up a can of worms that ultimately brought out my right angle grinder. Luckily didn't grind into the valve cover or other parts. Thanks for the replacement tappet cover and gaskets, goldarrow!
Other funny distractions like fixing cracks on the headlight bucket

And rebuilding left and right controls. Stripped down the master cylinder and front brake assemblies and about to rebuild those.
But to stay on target, my next step is adjusting the valves, which are a little different from what I'm used to seeing on my 550. On the 400F, there's a 9mm nut that loosens and the adjustment is made by turning a tiny square stud bit

I don't have the correct tool to adjust the tappets but for now, a set of some needle nose pliers are doing just fine, I think. I read about using a roll pin that fits just right and using the split on the pin to catch a corner of the square of the tappet which is enough to turn it securely. Might give that a shot.
Anyway, I figured this might be good enough to report for now. I haven't made a whole lot of progress so I'm riding that proverbial treadmill and I'm enjoying it.