Hey guys, I'm about half way finished rebuilding my front brake caliper ('78 cb550k). I just have a couple questions, and a bunch of pictures in case that helps other people doing this for the first time too.
Here it is all taken apart:

Brake pads are very smooth, except for a groove in one of them. Looks like there's plenty of life left in them though:

Piston looks clean, but has a narrow bad around it with little pits;

Here's everything all cleaned up. I coated the caliper bolts in naval jelly, but decided not to clean anything else with it because I don't know what the bolts are made of or plated with. The rest of the bolts I just scrubbed with a wire brush and wd40:

Is the groove clean enough? It's smooth to the touch, but the discoloration doesn't seem to be going anywhere:

And finally, here are the new brake pads:

Do you think the inside caliper looks clean enough? I've been scrubbing with a wire brush and simple green.
Should I prep the new pads at all? Do I need to sand the paint off the sides, or bevel the edges of the brake pad? Maybe I should just use the original brake pads?
Can I reuse the cotter pin for the right side brake pad, or should I get a new one?
I was surprised the piston didn't look worse, but I got a phenolic piston to replace it with. Thanks for your help with this, I just want to make sure I don't royally screw up one of the most important safety mechanisms on the bike...