Tech Forums > SOHC/4 Bikes
What is the best engine oil?
Mark M:
Oil companies are a synical bunch and play on owners fears and guilt to get the most cash out of them. Dispite all the techno waffle they come out with you are best using the oil specified by the engine manufacturer, as they are the ones who tested the engine/oil, their advice on regularity of changes is also the only advice worth listening to. You can push the limits further, but only at your own risk, the manufacturers have been quite conservative with the advice they give and have pushed the engine to it's limits. Pushing much harder than would be possable by even the most mechanically unsympathertic road rider.
As has been previously statewd it is best to avoid oils intended for car use due to the aditives all but the most basic car oils now use. This is good news because old Hondas are best run on old (read cheep) spec oils.
This is the oil I'm using in my bikes. It's a mineral oil, and it it is not expensive either.
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