So, I removed the carb last night and took the float bowls off. They were pretty caked in the bottom. I cleaned it out with a dental pick and dumped them in a bowl (pic #1 yuck!). I started taking the engine side bracket off but then thought better of it and put it back on. I removed the throttle diaphragm, it was bent. I loosened all the main jets, for kicks, then put them back in by hand. Sprayed some WD40 through the jets, I was out carb cleaner and the stores were closed. The main jets seem ok maybe a little low flow. But all of the slow jets seemed clogged.
I got a bunch of parts today.
I got a new pump diaphragm, new floats, carb kits with o rings & jets, air box boots ( all mine like to work their way off the carb), and new Iridium plugs (I know the jury is out on these but I will try them and can get regular ones if needed) .
1) Do I need to take the whole thing apart or is this overkill?
2) If so where do i find the proper manual, step by step directions, or better yet a video on doing it? maybe I will make a video. I do have 3 carbs to rebuild.
3) Should I try the jets I got, order new Keihin jets, or reuse the old ones? I got a cleaning tool with the kit. But should I get a jet drill too?
I will get deeper into them tonight.
Thanks for all the help guys!