As the bike idles, the voltage drops at a pretty fast rate. If I rev the engine, the volts go up only a little bit, and as I let off, it seems like the volts drop a lot because of the rev.
Here is the thing, I MUST have a significant draw(s) in my harness for the battery to drain within 15 blocks. There are no blinkers, no dash lights, etc...just a headlight and tail light. But, I haven't bridged or connected any of the wiring for those blinkers or dash lights. Could that be the big draw? Do all of those wires need to be connected in order to close the circuit? The stator tested good, the regulator/rectifier tested good with the diode test, brand new battery. I tested the voltage coming out of the regulator and it only showed 9+ at idle and I would assume that it should be 12+
Also, I see the ground to frame at the coils, and there is a battery to engine mount ground...but should there be a battery to frame ground on this bike? This project came in as a bag of bones so I'm not sure.