Some videos from this nights debacle
First video is with the old reed, reformed to be flat.
That's a fail. Blows the airfilter clean off the carb.
2nd video is with the 0,12mm homemade reed.
Not too bad, but still some hesitation and missfires
Video 3 is straight after the 2'nd video.You can hear that the moped is already slower than the first try. The reed has taken some damage.
Video 4 is the last cut from this test. We wanted to try and launch with nitrous.
The reed failed. with the same type of damage as the old reeds
I have a new theory as of why the reeds get damaged.
When the piston is on its way down, the exhaustport is the first to open, but only a few crank degrees later, the transfer channels open.
I think that the residual cylinder pressure, when the transfers open, is higher than the pressure in the crank. therefore slamming exhaust back down to in the crank and reeds.
This is less likely to happen at high RPM , since the crank pressure is rising faster due to the increased pistonspeed.
does this sound like it could be the cause?