Sorry guys, been busy setting up my new trailer.
Bill, no these were not Microblue ceramics. They were SKF ceramics. I put my Microblue treated steel bearings back in the rear wheel. Still have the Worldwide Bearing transmission bearings in the tranmission, no problem noticed.
This is just my experience with the rear wheel bearings. Yours may differ. As stated, I didn't see any performance difference with ceramics in the time slip. I replaced every ball bearing with ceramics: front wheel bearings, rear wheel bearings, transmission ball bearings, outboard bearing support plate bearing. It was an experiment for me as I had the money to do it and I can't help myself sometimes
. For a bracket bike or index bike that can already run the numbers needed, I wouldn't do it again. For a heads-up class, do what ya got to do! Maybe SKF bearings are inferior, they were free. Lots of shock loads in a rear wheel.