My original problem was a charging system that wasn't charging. In the process of trying to figure that out, I ended up swapping out the existing solid state voltage regulator and replacing it with an old stock vreg---which looked clean inside and had factory point and core gaps.
The battery finally began to get charge with the swapped vreg and I thought the problem was resolved.
Next morning, the first ride with the "repaired" charging system ended after about 3/4 of a mile. Main fuse blown. I swapped in a spare and it blew the instant I turned the key on. And from that moment the main would blow every time I turned on the ignition. Immediately.
In the effort to find what I assumed was a short, I discovered that if I removed the black wire connection to the (OEM) vreg, everything on the bike worked (except, of course, the charging system) the engine ran, lights worked, horn worked.
So now I have:
- a solid state vreg that doesn't charge the battery but also doesn't blow fuses
- an original equipment vreg that (for one brief moment) did charge the battery---until it started blowing fuses.
Any idea what's going on? Any ideas about what I should try next? Thanks.