Maybe start " 2018 SOHC4 FAMILY REUNION - West of the Mississippi - Planning"
for a title.
This way if others would want to start another location it could be a location oriented by area of country. What was the furtherest eastern member to take the ride to Dolores? I had to bail for several reasons. Intended to return to school in Sept but that was torpedo'd and when I pulled the rear cover on the CX to swap out the stator for the trip and to get the bike ready to eat 600 miles + a week while attending school I discovered it needed another $250 in parts for cam chain/tensioners and the G8 stator a CX member sold me 18 months ago wasn't for a CX/GL500, too small....he won't reply to PMs and it was $40 lost and I did not want to publicly shame him on list. So, need to forgive and move on, just not forget... could have been an honest mistake, since he will not reply I cannot answer if it was. It looks like one w ould, just 2 inches in diameter too small. Having never been inside a CX/GL motor before earlier this summer I had no clue it was wrong.
(biblically speaking, only commanded " to forgive..." not to become a doormat and forget...just to use added discernment/caution especially if dealing with that person.... enough said re morals or beliefs)
Funding fell through on one of the needed grants and that increase in school costs and n
eed to buy 10k of tools after 6 wks of start of term killed the school idea until I reverse some of those setbacks. (Loan was going to be handling tools, grant other expenses)
Sorry for sidetrack.
My unsolicited $0.05 on the discussion & a suggestion for 2018 Reunion since there have been rumblings of Easterm members wanting to do a get together...
David M in Upper East Tennessee...