Here's the latest.
After settling on Colorado, let's call this one The SOHC4 Family Reunion: West Edition, I have a location and a time: Ouray, Co and September 15-17, 2017.
The base location is the KOA in Ouray, Co:, which I selected because:
1. it offers a option for cabins for those folks that would like a little more comfort but still stay with the rest of the group for evening post ride fires/grilling/beverage consumption. KOA tent sites are more expensive (about $46 a day for a basic site, $56 for a camper site with electricity (got to keep that phone charged)), but I believe we can split the cost and you get some extra amenities (hello showers) and are free to rough it coming and going. Cabins range from $96 (basically a wooden box, sleeps 4, no bathrooms) to $180/night (sleeps 6, bathroom and kitchen). And
2. It's proximity to Telluride, which also factors into the date.
Time wise, I picked the weekend of 9/15 - 9/17 because that happens to be the same weekend as the Telluride Blues & Brews Festival So, given an actual place and time, who would be in?