My last one tonight, the group shot
Left to right (I might get a couple wrong): TL Branth, <?>, NewBoots, Terry (friend of RXMan),<>, Mooshie, Me,<>,Budman, FattMatt, JerryRXMan,745 (Frank), CBJoe

My attempt at putting names to us folks, my apologies for any and all omissions/mistakes. Please make corrections and fill in any gaps, thank you.
From right
1. CBJoe - Joe and Rose
2. 754 - Frank
3. JerryRxmanGriffin - Jerry
4. Fatmatt650 - Matt
5. Budman - Bud
6. NewBoots -
7. BankerDanny - Danny
8. Mooshie - Lisa
9. Ofreen - Greg
10. CB650 - Terry and his girl who's name I don't recall
11. Proto - Dave
12. ?
13. tlbranth - Terry
Missing - Gene and his wife who's name I don't recall.