Tews19 its only 12k I was thinking it was more.. also yes the bike is way worth that and maybe more.
the way it works with older bikes or attest the way I've done it, is you can have the bike insured for a set amount say 12k and that then sets the value of the bike at 12k. You are paying way high rates if you do this. but when not if your hit or the bike is hit and totaled you know you would get enough money to fix or rebuild the bike.
and to answer the other question about if i got full coverage HELL YES i made sure that i could before rebuilding the bike or i would have found a new frame to build off of. with that said my ins will pay for any damages first and then go after the other INS. this is the 3rd time in a year I've dealt with this type of thing so I have pretty good understanding at this point of how it works most the time. and to your question about the damage not being the full amount 12k I in no way said or believe it is that BAD AT ALL but.... the funny thing about bikes are they tend to be totaled very easily but i still have no idea what the adjuster will say about the damage. i'll let you know when they come.