Its been a while since I posted a update and its been a long and cold winter with very little progress.
To add to that I have been away from home working on some large projects which have taken priotity (Pays for the bills so needs must)
Progress since the last post -
The worn engine components have been sent to a motorcycle engineering company (SEP) for refurb. What they have been working on is as follows:
- Measure and replace conrod bearings
- Measure and replace crank main bearings
- Re-surface the camshaft journals in both the cylinder head and cam cover to repair wear
- Hard-weld and grind the camshaft to new cam journal profile
- Valve seats 3 angle cut
- Valves removed checked and cut to match
- There was some damage on the lower case on the points side which they are repairing
- All part will be blasted before been returned
While the engine is been worked on I have been doing odds and sods so as to move forward. The wheels have been torn down so that I could get the hubs to the blaster for a cleanup. These will then be polished and ready for rebuild.
The wheel hubs back from the blasters made a real difference but there was some damage from oxidisation and age but sanding that fit seemed to solve the issue. Will be cleaning and polishing over the next week ready for rebuild.
Bearings removed using the rail bolt method since nothing else seemed to work. I have then received new spokes and new bearings so once the polishing is done I will be ready to rebuild the wheels.
The front rim was badly rusted and had a hole in it so I ordered a used replacement since these were going to be cleaned and then powder coated. I am pleased with the outcome but still a bit undecided on using the original rim thickness on the bike or going for a little larger on the back.