Author Topic: New guy from Long Island  (Read 464 times)

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Offline hnhracing

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New guy from Long Island
« on: September 15, 2016, 05:20:05 PM »
Names Ed and I've been around for awhile but haven't post till now.
I've had my 76 CB750K for just over 8 years. Cleaned it up a little, made a cheap tail section for it and rode it for 3 years till i couldn't stand the oil leak from the head.
Here's my son on it…

At that point it sat it the garage untouched for about 3 years, then one night i ripped it apart and it sat for another year. This year i have been working on it pretty constantly and hope to have it finished by next spring. I'll start a project thread once i have some pictures of the progress.