I've always routed the pull cable over to the left side of the neck, then ran it along the backbone above the coils and then to the carb, don't pass it through the triangle, if you do that it makes two sort of sharp bends and is too stiff.
the othewr cable (close) I run on the other side of the neck, and then through the triangls, it doesn't seem to bind that way.
Mine had automatic cruise control when I bought it, pull your hand off and it stayed there.
On the clutch, I run behind the headlight bucket,ziptied to the frame between 3 and 4, then down to the clutch
when I first got it, it was through the speedo loop, and felt real stiff, not going through the loop loosened it up enough to be comfortable.
tried shorter cables, and for some reason couldn't get them to work right.