Author Topic: Why are guys always portrayed as morons in advertising?  (Read 2614 times)

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Offline mennedy

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Re: Why are guys always portrayed as morons in advertising?
« Reply #25 on: December 06, 2006, 09:47:28 AM »
I have objected to the depiction of men as bumbling idiots for years. I personally feel that it derives from the (don't laugh now!) suffragette movement which has been followed by the women's rights movement. The reason for these movements were quite honorable and I support them wholeheartedly. It is the residual backlash that I object to.

I get bent right out of shape when I see my sister in law demean her husband (he is a great guy and real card who plays it up - keeps us in stitches) by putting him down in front of the rest of the family as a bumbling oaf not to be taken seriously. I now see his 20 yr old daughters do it.

Television ads drive me nuts! Never see a dumb woman there!

I tell blond jokes. The laser looks I get from women as I start are unreal - then I drop the punch line using "he" to define the gender. They laugh along alright then.

Men are becoming furniture in society. I see this am that Dick Cheney's gay daughter is pregnant. AI for sure!

A recent study indicated that man to man contact is rapidly declining in western society. The TV, Internet and longer work hours has negatively impacted the male to male contact that is necessary to maintain a strong "maleness". Likewise, another study here in Canada, indicated that there is an acute shortage of male teachers at the elementary and junior high level. In effect, our boys are educated by women. 

The image of a bunch of dumb asses in the woods beating drums and dancing naked around a fire is a hyperbole imposed on us but is in fact very much to the point. We need contact (not just on this forum, but actual time spent) with other men in a social setting. Until we start (like I told my son) to assert ourselves, take pride in our maleness and teach our sons likewise, we will continue to be demeaned. 

Anybody want to strip down and rally!!!!!!

Time is short!


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Re: Why are guys always portrayed as morons in advertising?
« Reply #26 on: December 06, 2006, 10:12:14 AM »
I have objected to the depiction of men as bumbling idiots for years.

The Canadian Tire couple is a perfect example of that, the message is he's damn fortunate to have a clever wife to help him get things done around the house.

Offline Gordon

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Re: Why are guys always portrayed as morons in advertising?
« Reply #27 on: December 06, 2006, 10:26:23 AM »
Just like with pretty much everything else, it all boils down to sex.  They have what we want, they know it, we know it, they know we know it, and they take advantage of that fact.  We still live in a male dominated society, so I find it somewhat difficult to complain about it.

Besides, what's the problem?  My wife once asked me to do the grocery shopping on my way home from work.  I came home with mostly chips, hamburger helper, frozen pizzas, and random produce items we have no use for, and I haven't been asked to buy the grocerys ever since!  Let them think they're smarter, and they'll take care of you for the rest of your life! ;D ;D


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Re: Why are guys always portrayed as morons in advertising?
« Reply #28 on: December 06, 2006, 10:33:00 AM »
Besides, what's the problem?  My wife once asked me to do the grocery shopping on my way home from work.  I came home with mostly chips, hamburger helper, frozen pizzas, and random produce items we have no use for, and I haven't been asked to buy the grocerys ever since!  Let them think they're smarter, and they'll take care of you for the rest of your life! Grin Grin

Thats wise advice for a newly married guy - when it comes to household chores, its dangerous to know too much   :)

Offline firecracker

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Re: Why are guys always portrayed as morons in advertising?
« Reply #29 on: December 06, 2006, 12:38:04 PM »
It's like how "white-guilt" has led to all commercials showing the (insert ANY ethnic group except Caucasian) always smarter than the white guy/couple in commercials.  Can't ever have a white guy correct a black guy in a commercial.  Would piss off the Reverend Jackson.   Oh, before you go there, I'm not Michael Richards.  I'm just pointing out something that seems CRAZY.  The advertisers have to be SO careful not to offend, they ALWAYS use the white guy as the fool.  Nobody cares if they complain...

Same concept with the sexes.   Don't piss off women, 'cause you'll hear about it.  Make guys look like fools, who cares?

Can you tell I haven't been on my bike for over a week?  Frustration is building...

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Offline 74cb750

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Re: Why are guys always portrayed as morons in advertising?
« Reply #30 on: December 06, 2006, 01:06:59 PM »
Can I say something here? Can I? Wait, Im a straight, happily married white guy, a minorirty in my neighborhood.
I digress, excuse me.

The guys have been protrayed as morons in advertising, as have happily married couples.
Why? Probably because we don't scream about it enough. As  an example I offer the retraction of the "bad Biker" ads
American Express ran a few years ago. The AE ad men dropped it quickly after enough of us SOHC bikers, and other bikers, complained.

Who do I complain to when I only see homosexual couples, single moms, single dads, or other historically non-traditional humanoid groupings depicted as "normal"? The answer would be to merely turn off the boob tube, non? Hollywood seems to have lost touch with the average household, and like someone else said, is afraid to offend anyone.
Rant over,
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Offline Kevin D

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Re: Why are guys always portrayed as morons in advertising?
« Reply #31 on: December 06, 2006, 01:14:59 PM »
Anybody remember this ad campaign?

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