Anorexia is a bad disease man. Not that autism is an easy load to haul either.
But goddamn. The fcuked up #$%* that lays the ground work for anorexia.
It's not just someone suddenly deciding they want to be skinny. No, not that basic, and not that selfish.
It takes months, if not years of pressure and negative influence to push a person, male or female, to the point that they just refuse to eat.
One an idea is introjected into the mind, it's awful hard to be rid of it. Believe you me. Mental disorders that are a culmination of outside attacks get internalized and become accepted as gospel.
This is why I hate shaming, I call out the shamers when I see it. Caught the local cheerleaders telling one of their squad girls not to buy the food she wanted because it would make her fat. I gave the girls a warning about who they call fat. They probably wont get my advice for 10 years, but #$%*, I wasn't gonna enable that talk at my service counter.
Come to find out the next town over actually makes their cheerleaders follow a strict diet and nutrition plan. Like whattheeverlovingfcuk, a school district is putting that kind of pressure on a teenager? FcukinA.
Fat Shaming pisses me off. Take it from me, been called FAT and tormeted for my eating habits since I began public school. Hell, sometimes my folks get in on the action too. Never developed an diagnosable eating disorder, but I've been right close. Nope, never could get myself to puke up the crud I gorge when I'm upset, and my record for a hunger strike is only 3 days. Only until last year did the shrinks even recognize that binge eating is a symptom with or without the forced regurgitation.
But I digress.
Mental Illness sucks.
Suicide sucks.
Feeling that fcukin low about yourself because of #$%*e other people say and do is the fcukin worst.
So I challenge all you sohc-heads - being fookin kind to someone today, and tomorrow, and the day after that, every fcukin day until you die. Be kind. Build someone up, never tear them down. Ka'pesh?