Author Topic: fuel leak cb650  (Read 962 times)

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Offline antleo

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fuel leak cb650
« on: October 13, 2016, 07:42:46 PM »
Bike is a 1980 cb650. when i stopped at a redlight, i smelled gas and in no small amount. I looked down to see it leaking pretty good. so i pulled off and was not able to find anything obvious. so i quickly went the last mile home.

the leak is on carbs 1 and 2, (from the left side of the bike) and is coming from somewhere just above the float bowls. So I am thinking maybe the fuel inlet somehow i think one of the Ts inbetween the 2 carbs. or maybe a needle and seat if the overflow is up? im gunna tear into it more tomorrow. but if it is one of the ts is there a place i can get those little Ts from easily?

Offline jonda500

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Re: fuel leak cb650
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2016, 07:48:29 PM »
when mine did this it was two things - dimple in the float tang preventing the needle & seat from shutting off properly and leaking float bowl gaskets
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Offline pmanning

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Re: fuel leak cb650
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2016, 06:44:47 AM »
It is likely coming from the "T" inlet.  You don't need to replace the tee, only the o-rings.  if they are not readily available at your local bike shop, a lot of auto parts dealers carry an assortment.

Offline antleo

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Re: fuel leak cb650
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2016, 07:16:55 PM »
so what i found to be the issue was a stuck float. I cleaned it all up and unstuck it. but found that i am indeed in need of the T for the overflow or air outlet or whatever its called.

Offline DaveBarbier

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Re: fuel leak cb650
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2016, 06:15:06 AM »
so what i found to be the issue was a stuck float. I cleaned it all up and unstuck it. but found that i am indeed in need of the T for the overflow or air outlet or whatever its called.

If a bowl overflows it's supposed to drain out the overflow tube. Might want to remove the bowl and make sure it's not clogged. I'd check all bowls. Don't want fuel pouring out and starting a fire or draining into your engine.