I've done some amateur locksmithing, out of necessity.
Sohc4 has a sale/classifieds section. Good luck!
Ha! Ha! Ha!

Guess I asked for that one.
Yeah, I know there is the Sale/Classifieds, but, from what I saw, I wondered if it was mainly for motorcycles and didn't want to cause an issue. Probably would have been good to quiz a Moderator, huh? Sometimes, I don't think too clearly. Might be from the cobwebs?

Appreciate your input and Thanks, just want to try to get this stuff, to someone who could put it to good use. Was my Dad's, but I just don't have the skills (though I can easily cut duplicate keys, with the machine, but beyond that, I am uneducated. Ya know? Got the machines to cut duplicate keys, some rekeying kits and such, along with some key blanks (But, no automotive type blanks) .