Report on TV tonight of a two motorcycles colliding on Tail of the Dragon,apparently head on style wreck, with one dead and the other critical condition. They went over a very steep embankment (gully in the mountainside it winds through) and ended up about 80 ft below according to the Fire Dept member who spoke to the reporter. This is the 15 th accident on the tail this year with deaths occuring in several of those accidents. 300 turns makes for an intense ride and so many don't know the road and try to take it too fast and end up paying a very heavy price for that mistake.
The fellow that climbed down to the faint but consistent cry for help had toask the injured rider how many bikes were involved as there were parts everywhere and he couldn't tell. The riders were likely have fell most of that distance airborne because it is an extremely steep gully they both went into. Ok, maybe more of a ravine.
Be careful out there guys...
News channel was WCYB Ch 5 NBC affiliate local news. Likely to have video clip about accident on their website. They showed from the road into the area the bikers ended up. Fire dept took 45 minutes to reach the site, nearest fire/rescue site, after the call. It is a very tight and winding road and big firetrucks aren't going to be able to respond quickly. Many Fire/EMS crews are not lucky enough to have multiple sized vehicles that might be able to respond quicker. Bigger cities have larger budgets. In this area in the past 3 years there have been at least two or three EMS companies ran by small towns nearby that have had to suspend services or had financial issues causing issues for operations. Not a wealth area by any means and there was not mismanagement by those companies or towns. So, many struggle to respond to the increasing demand and load on those services.
Definitely no Isle of Mann style MC fast responders on bikes. Those guys are incredible...