I have said it once, but I will say it again. Please read as I have taken serious time and effort to get this right.
I have no true dislike or hate for anyone here or anywhere else. These things drain energy needed for things like working on bikes or furthering our careers. I would have to say that the time off from this forum (moderator induced and was glad to have it happen after the fact) has been good for me. I have set some loose rules for my posts and number of posts. I have to admit at times I was monopolizing the conversation with rapid fire responses. I will not go into those rules right now, but I am sure whatever they are the mods are glad the mystical change is there. My wife does say "When you get all fired up, you give them power over you".
After all what good is a forum that just aggravates you? This is a bit like a bike that never runs when you need it to. I am sure there are a few users that just decided not, permanently or just for now to participate because of some users. If I have pushed anyone away I apologize at the highest level for any part I may have in this.
I did not “hate” RatFink. I just had a problem that fact that he seemed to chase me around the board to nail some of my posts with a less than desirable retort. He is where he is and that is all there is too it. Beating on him in text really solves nothing and will not help him or any other user. I really won't help anyone beat on him either. However I am not against others showing displeasure in any members activities when they disrupt the board flow overall (INCLUDING ME). No one user should ever be allowed to do this. This group of forums is about a community of users, not one or a group of bully users who push others around and make the forum to their liking. This is never ok. We can share our common knowledge base and a bit of comedy without bashing each other.
Most people who make jokes about the handicapped or other groups do not mean a personal dig at your sensabilities. It is just meant to be funny most times. Like 99.9% of the time around here. I have worked with Alzheimer's patients (as an Eagle Scout in my teens), I have made jokes in the past about them, My grandfather now has Alzheimer's, I still make the jokes. Sometimes we joke to make something not hurt so much. Understand one users taste in humour might not be yours.
We need to respect other members opinions (right or wrong in our eyes) especially in the “OPEN FORUM”.