I had trouble taking off my cylinder head because the tiny washers that I mistakenly used had become partially recessed and were stuck. Luckily, I managed to get them all out without damaging anything. I might have figured out why the copper gasket wasn't fitting properly but I don't know how I missed this in the first place.

It's hard to see but the edge of the surface is jutted up. So the surface isn't flat. And threads in the picture are messed up but I have thread repair to use on it. It could be the oil leaking culprit but after cleaning the copper gasket I noticed it was leaking everywhere

Second picture is the bottom. From the looks of the the top, oil seemed to be leaking everywhere. I cleaned it with acetone and shop towels and those streaks were still there. My guess it was where the oil was leaking.
I'm about to clean and prep my surfaces before I spray the gasket with copper spray. If the gasket before the copper gasket never leaked I believe the one have now to replace the copper won't leak either.
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