I've had a fiberglass cafe style seat on my 400 for a while. I like the lines of it, but I've always thought it was about 25% too big for my bike. It seems to be more of a 750 sized seat. I'm holding off on painting the bike until I figure out what to do.
I've had my eye on this Manx Norton type seat for over a year and finally decided to just buy it and see how it looks. I haven't mounted it correctly yet, but I put it on to take some pics last night. It would probably sit an inch or two lower once I get it mounted right. I'm leaning toward the smaller Manx seat...try to imagine it with black or silver tank and sidecovers. I'd also have to clean up the rear and make a bracket for a brake light.
Not sure how to start a poll, but I call upon the good taste of the forum.
1. Old Seat
2. New Seat
3. Both seats suck, your bike sucks, your garage is dirty, and you are an idiot
Old seat:
New seat: