You know, like when I was school age, I could not wait to get out of school and get out on my own, because then, I could do what I wanted, when I wanted, etc. LOL, Seems like there are "Several Periods" like that. LOL Yeah, Could not wait to get out of school and on my own, so I could do what I wanted and have more time to myself. Got myself a job, so the job sorta replaced School! Then I got married, oops, there went More of "My Time"LOL. Then my Daughter came along and there went some more Mind you, there were a lot of Pluses, to getting married and having our Daughter and I don't begrudge that at all. Then, I finally made it to retirement age. I thought, surely My Time would get a boost from that. Wrong! LOL Then, the "Honey Do" Projects, picked up a bit.

Then, my first Wife passed away and that caused a huge setback, as a number of you know. So then, it was My Daughter, My Dad and Myself and I thought, okay now I will just take care of them and have time to work on motorcycles and whatever. So, I thought. Then, I realized that I had been Married so long, that I just didn't function well as a "Single", as I had been part of a "Couple" for so long (38 1/2 years). So, Michelle and I were Married and she had 2 kids. So, my Family had grown. So, here I am, almost 70 years old and still have not gotten to the point to where I can just get up, in the morning and work on motorcycles, go for a ride or whatever, at least not very often. And Michelle doesn't try top keep me from doing what I want, things just seem to get in the way of my getting things going my way, very often. And it also doesn't help that when I inherited my Dad's Place, I suddenly realize where I got my tendency to "Collect Things", from Him (only HE was the MASTER Collector).

And, even though I now have a "Double Length" 2-car Garage, with a small office room, I had no room! But, There is so much to explain, about where I am trying to go, from this point on, that I will save that, for another post. I could type all day, on this subject! Just know that I have been working for going on 4 years, trying to make this "work Space" mine.

Just Praying that the Lord doesn't call me home, before I can relax and enjoy it.