Yea, you have a lean condition.
Make sure your valve tappets and ignition timing are to spec. Advancer mechanism needs to be moving freely too.
Replace intake manifold orings if you haven't already. (get a dozen they also fit the tappet inspection covers)
Inspect rubber carb insulators and their clamps. Replace them if they are cracking at all.
Uni pods are good, but might be contributing to the lean condition. Turn the ims
screw all the way in (just finger snug) then back it out 1.5 turns to stock.
Also make sure each path and orifice in the carbs are clean, spotless.
If your idle is still hanging, you might have to get a 40 or 42 pilot jet.
Once its idling, do a perfect sync, follow it up with new plugs and an idle plug chop.