The Arm & Hammer doesn't do much when compared to blasting soda bicarbonate I'm told. Nice thing about the Soda is it can be washed away...neighbors might not like seeing it...especially if you are doing it on a windy day.
Moron of a neighbor I had in Ohio was spraying his house with Latex and the overspray gave a light coating on my '66 Volvo parked in my driveway (about 16-18 feet between our houses). I was PISSED and told him about. He offered to wax it and I told him he wasn't to touch my car ever. He retorted about the fact I had the motor out of it at the time and it hadn't moved in a couple months during rebuild. Like that made it OK. What jerk he was. They would have friends over and fill the street in front of everyone's house leaving no on street parking for anyone who lived there. Those of us with a one car driveway had to put 2nd vehicle on street. Really irritating to have to park over a block away when you got home after being out for the evening with the family or returning on the weekend and no where to park your car. Blocking the sidewalk at end of the driveway would get you a ticket from the local PD.
Glad when I left Ohio.
SOrry for the sidetrack.
You have some gorgeous metalflake...laid down nice and the gloss in the shop and sparkle in the shop is great and it is really going to pop on sunny days! Micro flake and how was it applied? Base, flake, candy and clear? Or is flake mixed with color coats with some clear after base? Interested in knowing...
Saw a car with Corvette yellow with silver microflake in clear before about 4 coats or more of clear on top of that... blinding glowing yellow paint in bright sun and the flake reflected the yellow instead of appearing silver. Gorgeous. Flake was laid down with microflake in several coats of clear to build the effect and depth of flake.