Funny thing is, I remember my Dad getting close to 70 and he was encouraged to stay active, so as to not end up slowing down and showing his age. Now, 70 is just around the corner from me and I have tried not to slow up, still doing whatever car repairs and such. Gets a little trying at times, with the occasional aches and pains, but I have been fortunate enough, not to have had any injuries and so far, have yet to have been in a hospital, except to visit someone else & when my Daughter was Born. Not on any prescription medication or made many doctor's visits (I can count, on 1 hand, how many I have made, in a lot of years) Not bragging, mind you, just extremely Thankful. My Granddad was 65 when he passed and my Dad was 88 (almost 89) and I hope to be able to function at least fairly well, For longer than that. I am sure I could do with some proper exercise myself though.