I attribute my love of bikes to my uncle and his son, who is a similar age to me. I remember going to stay with the family on weekends, they lived in the Otway Rangers, in a town in the middle of the forest. He was a trucker in the logging community. It was the mid to late 70's, he had a dirt bike which was an Elsinore cr250 ( I have a vivid memory of the steel tank) and think he rode a Honda road/trail to and from work. My cousin had upgrade from a z50 to an xr75. My parents never bought us kids any bikes, but we did inherit the z50 a few years later. I still remember the butterflies I'd get when I went there and we were about to go for a ride. My cousin is a good rider, he use to ride that Elsinore before he was a teen. He upgraded the Xr for a cr80rc. Then was when I fell in love with 2 strokes, till then the Elsinore just scared the pants of me. It was a bit of a brute. The cousin has had many bikes including a cr500 along the way(crazy). Back to my uncle, he's had many bikes as well. The 2 most memorable are a cb750four(I'll never forget how the sound of it made me feel) and a cb1100rc a beautiful bike. So you can see the Honda theme. So in my 30's, which is a while back, I started to fulfill some childhood dreams. I now have a 2001 cr250, a CB500FOUR cafe project, which is moving at treacle speed and now the blade. The twist to the whole story is I don't have my license (so best I get one) I get to ride the dirter occasionally, the cafe is unridable and by all accounts I'll legally be aloud to ride the blade in 3 years from when I get my license. More torment.