Big day, finally made progress on one thing I was dreading doing. The taper-to-taper spacer is done!!!

I have a combination bridgemill/lathe, so getting accurate angles cut it not trivial to say the least. I started with 1.25" aluminum stock and got the angle pretty close with a simple digital angle gauge. Started cutting with the compound slide and kept at it until it was an interference fit with the cbr rotor. Once I had that angle I switched over to steel and cut the outside of the spacer with a length of rod on the small end so that I could use that to chuck in the lathe.

Back to aluminum, switched over to an internal cutter and again measured to get close and kept cutting and adjusting until I had a good fit. Here I put sharpie all over the crankshaft end and then put the spacer over it and had sharpie transferred over the whole surface of the aluminum so I knew I was good.

Back to the steel slug and transferred the angle into it. Perfect fit on both surfaces. Going to put valve grinding compound on the inside and outside and spin the pieces against each other to remove my machining grooves .

Any thought to whether I should send this out to get hardened?