I would like to lower my gauges a bit, but I have this so called "unicorn" upper triple. I`ve searched the forum and found out that lowering is easy task if you have newer upper triple where the gauges mount differently (
http://forums.sohc4.net/index.php?topic=63166.0 ). I would like to use my old gauges if possible.
Is it possible to bend this unicorn part? I think it`s cast aluminum so my first toughts were it will crack. Secondly it`s quite expensive part so destroying it is not an option.
I also read that newer model triples won`t work because there is a different offset. Secondly newer gauges mount from beneath with bolts on a bracket. Mine just squeeze on a holder that is connected to the unicorn tip. So the easiest way would be to bend the part (risky). Second is to cut the part and weld it on a different angle. Third would be fabricating some kind of bracket.
Any other methods/ideas? Anyone done this?