Okay guys,message received, I'll hold off getting any new wiring harness for now. I've put the old one to one side. Given the bike was running when I got it, theres probably a lot I can salvage from it.
Cheers Martin, The cold makes it a lot harder to convince myself into the un-insulated garage...
Top diagrams Stikman, they're gonna come in handy. I'm glad to see one of them has signals... I'm not planning on a long tour without indicators. From everyone I've talked to travelling with a BC plate in America is like travelling with a big sign saying 'pull me over cops, my wallet is in my back pocket and you can have it'
Calj steel brushes sounds good, as it turns out the brass wire one I bought actually is painted steel. Any decision that doesn't make me spend more money than I have to gets a big thumbs up from me.
Oki doki, I bought an adjustable wrench of the triple trees and big chrome nuts on the rear shocks. Off comes the trees
Headset bearings are looking cheery
Cones are looking good to
Trying to think of interesting things to say, but I'm not really a wordsmith... on to the rear springs!
First thing to remove is the chain tensioners, but soon as I went to take one out I realised it was bent.
'No Worrys' I thought, I can replace that on the cheap. I apply a little pressure to get the bent nut out and...
The bolt thats supposed to be welded on came right off. Damn. And here I am with no welders in sight. Any hints on what I could fix it back into place with?
Got my adjustable wrench around the big chrome nuts (half expecting that to be censored by mods
I bought all the pieces for taking the springs out set up, only to learn the reason the previous owner hadn't bothered removing them. The Threads are cheesed!
They're so bad I assumed I'd got the wrong size threaded rod, but there was still a very small bit of thread at the bottom it just about gripped on to. Nowhere near enough to remove the springs though
Tap and dye? or another solution?